Co-Curricular Activities

St Joseph’s Catholic College runs an extensive extracurricular program to enrich and diversify the education of our students.

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We thank our school and parish communities for your incredibly generous donations to our Social Justice project #itsinthebag. We were overwhelmed by the huge response we received to our request. We received nearly 200 beautiful bags filled with quality products that have been carefully selected to meet the needs of women and to bring joy. The bags have been picked up from school and delivered to two local organisations for them to be distributed. Here is the letter I received from Brooke Law, a volunteer for Share the Dignity

“I wanted to thank you and your extremely generous students for donated such beautiful bags filled with love and compassion. Your donation was able to supply a Wyong Charity with its wish for 100 bags, which they will deliver to women and teenage girls who will attend their Christmas lunch. Furthermore your donation also supplied another local women’s charity with 92 bags. All in all 192 bags, Wow!!

Thank you so much, I’m moved by the generosity within our local communities. Organisations such as Share the Dignity cannot survive if not for the kindness of schools such as yours. Please extend my heartfelt thanks to your school community. School mentors and parents should be very proud of these young women.

Thank you for helping in sharing the dignity.”

Fiona Green
Youth Ministry Coordinator