
St Joseph’s Catholic College is a Systemic Year 7 to 12 girls college founded by the Sisters of St Joseph.

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Staff Directory

College Leadership Team
Principal Ms Carolina Murdoch
Assistant Principal: Student Achievement Mr David Gardiner
Assistant Principal: Evangelisation and Catechesis Mr Scott Beattie
Leader of Student Wellbeing Mrs Amanda Balfour
Leader of Learning and Teaching  Mrs Alex McArdle
Leader of Administration Mr Kirk Mercer
Business Manager Ms Nicole Murphy
Management System
Leaders of Management Systems Mrs Michelle D’Offay/
Mrs Anne Farrell
College Ministry
Youth Minister and Leader of Mission Mrs Philippa Mercer
Year Leader
Year 7 Mrs Laura Roberts
Year 8 Ms Julie Hawkins
Year 9 Ms Chloe Smythe
Year 10 Ms Louise Nash
Year 11 Ms Parsons
Year 12 Terry Gahan
Leaders of Learning
Religious Education Mr Scott Beattie
English Mrs Maria Woodhouse
(Human Society & Its Environment – History, Commerce, Geography)
Mrs Kristie Kelaher
Mathematics Michelle D’Offay
(Personal Development Health & Physical Education)
Mrs Janelle Smith
Science Mrs Amanda Eades
TAS Mr Kane Charles
(Technological & Applied Studies)
Creative Arts 
(Visual Arts & Drama, Music)
Ms Susan Lockwood
LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Mrs Samantha Anderson
Learning Support Ms Tracy Simpson
Vocational Education & Training/TAFE Mrs Rachael Grassi
Leaders of House
Barnes Ms Allie Hawkins
Carroll Ms Melanie Costello
Dewey Ms Janine Wedmore
Lonergan Mrs Selena Maloney
Raftery Mr James Banovich
Tacey Mrs Anne Farrell
Special Resource Teachers
School Counsellor Ms Nicole Musialik / Ms Caroline Zavolokin
Teacher Librarian Karen Powers / Christina Stubbs
Careers Advisor Mrs Rachael Grassi
Representative Sports Coordinator TBA
Disability Provisions – teacher in charge Ms Tracy Simpson