St Joseph’s Catholic College provides a safe, caring and supportive environment in which each student is shaped by her relationship with Jesus in the Catholic tradition and is inspired by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop to make a difference in the world.
The study of Science in Years 7-12 is intended to develop students’ scientific knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes within the broad areas of Science. As well as acquiring scientific knowledge and skills, students will also apply their understandings to everyday life and develop an appreciation of Science as a human activity.
The aim of Science is to provide learning experiences through which students will:
- Acquire scientific knowledge and skills and develop understandings about phenomena within and beyond their experience
- Develop an appreciation of Science as a human activity and apply their understandings to everyday life
- Develop positive attitudes towards themselves, others, lifelong learning in Science and the environment
- An attitude and confidence in wanting to know more about the ‘how and why’ of themselves and all that surrounds them
- The skills and processes that develop the student as an ‘independent learner’ of Science
- From time to time, to encourage a wonder and awe as to the magnificence of all creation
Stage 4 and 5: Years 7 to 10
Students follow a program written by our staff aimed at meeting the needs of girls. This enables us to provide a fun, relevant and enjoyable experience for our students. We encourage our girls to build a range of skills and knowledge to develop into tomorrow’s scientists.
Stage 6: Years 11 to 12
Students are offered a range of Science courses in Stage 6. Students are able to choose from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Senior Science. Each of these courses promotes scientific enquiry and develops the student’s knowledge in the core areas of Science.