Student Wellbeing

St Joseph’s Catholic College provides a safe, caring and supportive environment in which each student is shaped by her relationship with Jesus in the Catholic tradition and is inspired by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop to make a difference in the world.

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Student Rights and Responsibilities

My Rights My Responsibilities


To be treated justly at all times

This happens when I have, for example:

  • opportunities for spiritual growth
  • privacy and confidentiality maintained
  • opportunities to reach my potential
  • access to technology and resources
  • the opportunity to learn
To act justly at all times

This happens when I, for example:

  • respect the need for spiritual growth in self and others
  • am patient and fair
  • respect the privacy and confidentiality of others
  • encourage others to use opportunities which will enable them to reach their potential
  • use technology and other resources responsibly
  • cooperate and participate in lessons, complete all work and bring my equipment
  • am punctual


To engage in a community which is positive, affirming and nurturing

This happens when I, for example:

  • am happy at school
  • participate freely in a variety of college activities
  • have a comfortable and safe environment
  • have efforts and achievements recognised
To create a supportive, affirming and positive environment

This happens when I, for example:

  • create a safe environment
  • respect the personal space of others
  • accept the individuality of others
  • do my best and treat others with understanding and acceptance.
  • support others to freely participate in college activities


To feel safe and valued

This happens when I, for example:

  • have a voice which is heard and respected
  • am supported at the personal, educational and social level
  • am treated with tolerance, compassion, empathy and understanding
To ensure that others feel safe and valued

This happens when I, for example:

  • listen to others and am co-operative
  • am supportive of others within our community and beyond
  • use privileges appropriately
  • accept responsibility for my actions


To be treated with respect and dignity

This happens when I, for example:

  • am treated with courtesy and respect
  • attend a college whose reputation is respected
  • am respected as an individual within the community
  • have a clean and attractive environment
  • am assured of the safety of my personal items
To treat others with respect and dignity

This happens when I, for example:

  • respect others in the way I speak with and about them
  • acknowledge and accept differences
  • wear the uniform correctly
  • respect the property of others
  • keep the college clean and tidy
  • show respect for visitors and members of the public
  • support others and their talents